
Showing posts from November 23, 2008

TECH:Creating Tags

Creating Tags for source code ----------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Create files.list as follows $ find . > files.list 2. Open files.list in gvim gvim files.list 3. Remove svn/cvs related lines as Ex: removing svn related lines in gvim in command mode as :%g/.svn/d 4. Save and quit the file files.list :wq 5 Create tags as $ ctags `cat files.list` ----------------------------------------------------------------- Open files.list in gvim.. commands for different operatioons gf - get file (opening file) CTRL+ o - for previous file CTRL+ t - jump back CTRL + ] - for tag ( function/ structure/ MACRO etc...) ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------ Thanks G K Reddy

TECH: GVIM editing

Converting code from lower case to upper case in gvim 1.Enter into visual Mode (By pressing v in Escape mode) 2.Select code that you want to convert to upper case using arrow keys 3 Press SHIFT+u to convert selected code into upper case. Thanks G K Reddy